Program Highlights

A child is a beacon of aspirations, hope, joy, anxiety and so much more feeling that a human could evoke. Welcoming such a child through the combined essence of spiritual and modern scientific methods is one of the greatest gifts you could give your child as well as for you as parents.A boon to bring into this world a child of your dreams, a child who will make this world a better place
A comprehensive blend of both Garbha Upanishad and modern science to guide you through the period of blissful pregnancy.Be transformed as a couple in mastering the art of living through expressions and power of words – the art of living, feeling and thinking
- Avail this rare opportunity to carve out your dream child
- Knowledge of garbha Upanishad intertwined with modern science
- A transformational journey for the parents-to-be through expressions of the power of words – thinking, feeling and living
- SCIENCE BEHIND COMPLETION….. the only path to a conflict free life and parenthood
- Experience love from a space of completion…… express your power of feeling from living responsibility
- Identify your conflicting thought patterns and handle them through a powerful technique
- Experience positivity and your peak possibility through the practice of the tatwas/powers or VEDIC TRUTHS
- Enjoy the pleasurable experience of painless conscious birthing…… the perfect ambience of a welcome centre for the landing of an intelligent soul
- Valuable inputs on conscious conception and pregnancy from eminent scientists….. what have they to say…
- Father… the key person at the time of birthing….get a profound input from the vedic tradition
- Mystery behind birth… birth really a birth…… a clear understanding from the ‘Aakashic readings’ the Cosmic Archives
- The power of visualisation …. A technique to transfer knowledge to the baby in the womb
- You are the genetic engineer of your baby before and after conception …GENETICS AND EPIGENESIS ..a clear understanding
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